martes, 3 de junio de 2008

4ESO revision final exam

Fill in the gaps with present simple or continuous

Gill is an English teacher. She ________________(come) from England but at the moment she _________________(work) in Germany because her husband ________________ (work) for Wolkswagen, the famous car company. Everyday she ______________(get up) at 6.30 and ______________(go) for a quick run in the park. She _____________(run) every morning because she _______________(train) for the Berlin marathon. After breakfast she ____________(take) her children to school. They _______________(not like) living in Germany because they _________________ (not understand) German very well. They __________________(take) special classes to learn the language. English lessons are easy for them though.

Fill in the gaps with the past simple or continuous

1. It _______________(snow) when I _____________(get) up this morning, so I ___________________(go) outside and ___________________(play) with the snow.
2. A few years ago, I ________________(meet) a really nice boy when I ______________(go) to Italy on holiday with my mum and dad. Two months later, I ______________(see) him again when I _______________(travel) to school on the bus. I _______________(be) very surprised and so was he!
3. Yesterday evening, I _______________(want) to go to bed early because I ___________(be) very tired, but my sister and her friends ______________(play) music loudly. I ________________(ask) them to be quiet and _______________(go) to bed. Eventually I ______________(fall) asleep. While I ______________(sleep) they _______________(come) into my room and _________________(jump) on my bed.

Write comparative and superlatives

I think that ________________(good) time to go shopping is on Saturday afternoon.
My coat was _______________(expensive) yours.
My English is ___________________(bad) in class.
Davina always wear ________________(colourful) clothes in her school.
MP3 players are __________________(popular) walkmans these days.
My house is _________________(big) yours.

Fill in the gaps with present perfect or past simple

It’s John’s 86th birthday. He ________________(live) in this village all his life
I ________________(make) a lot of phone calls yesterday.
Eric ________________(leave) about 20 minutes ago.
I ________________(wear) glasses since I was 12.
Gregory ______________(be) a doctor for about 3 years now.
Joan ________________(go) to Madagascar in 2004.
How long ________________(you/know) Patricia.
In the last year, he ________________(be) to China three times.

Write these sentences in passive voice

My father bought this house last year.
Sir Giles Gilbert Scott designed the Tate Modern
The storm broke all the windows
A lot of people will visit Paris this year
Harry and Andy make cakes every day.
They make these computers in Korea.
Millions of people will read this book in the world.
People eat snakes in China.

Conditional sentences

__________________(you/go) to Helen’s party if she invites you?
I think I’ll go swimming tomorrow if it _______________(not be) too cold.
They _________________(visit) us if you had invited them.
If I ________________(be) you, I ‘d tell your mum.
If she _________________(eat) that cake, she won’t feel well
We would have been in trouble if your parents______________(discover) the truth.
If I __________________(win) 1 million I’d buy a big house.
I don’t know what I ______________(say) if I met the king
If you had arrived on time, you ___________________(meet) my brother.

Complete with gerunds or infinitives

______________(smoke) is a bad habit.
We would like _______________(find) a bigger house.
They go jogging _______________(get) fit.
I really hate _______________(eat) aubergines.
My uncle taught me _______________(fish) when I was a child.
Andrew didn’t help me _________________(repair) my car
Before ___________(use) your contact lens you must wash your hands.

Past simple or past perfect

I ______________(not can) buy a ticket, because I _____________(forget) my money.
After Paul____________(lent) me some money, I ____________(catch) the next bus.
Jane _______________(go)to the police station because someone ______________ (steal) her bike.
Ben _______________(feel) ill after he ________________(eat) four packet of crisps.
Jenny ______________( not eat) anything, so she _____________(be) very hungry.

Modal verbs

• My school marks are very bad. B- You ____________ work harder
• You ______________ cheat or copy in an exam.
• Some people don’t like flying, they think the plane ___________crash.
• When you go on a trip, you _____________ forget your passport.
• You ______________ arrive in class on time.
• There is enough food at home, you ________________bring anything.
• What are you going to do tonight? I don’t know, we ____________ go to the new Indian restaurant.

Reported speech

Do you buy canned drinks? (Paul-Carl)
Did your father drive you to school? Jenny-me
How long have you had this new jacket? Lisa- Pam
How often do you look after your sister? Simon- Edward
TV violence can only make you aggressive. Sarah-us
I’m going to look for a new job. Ben
You must finish your homework in an hour. Nick- his son
I’m studying a very difficult exam for tomorrow. Locke

Answers present simple or continuous

is working
gets up
is training
don’t like
don’t understand
are taking

Answers past simple or continuous

1. Was snowing, got , went, played
2. met, was going, saw, was travelling, was.
3. wanted, was, were playing, asked, went, fell, was sleeping, came, jumped.

Answers comparative and superlative

the best
more expensive than
the worst
the most colourful
more popular than
bigger than

Answers past simple or present perfect

has lived
have worn
has been
have you known
has been.

Answers to passive

This house was bought last year by my father
The Tate Modern was designed by Sir GGS
All the windows were broken by the storm
Paris will be visited this year by millions of people
Cakes are made every day by Harry and Andy
These computers are made in Korea
This book will be read in the world by millions of people
Snakes are eaten in China

Answers conditionals

will you go
would have visited
had discovered
would say
would have met

Answers to gerund and infinitives

to find
to get
to fish
to repair

Answers to past perfect or simple

couldn’t buy, had forgotten
had lent, caught.
went, had stolen
felt, had eaten
hadn’t eaten, was

Answers modal verb

don’t have to

Answers reported speech

Paul asked Carl if he bought canned drinks
Jenny asked me if my father had driven me to school
Lisa asked Pam how long she had had that new jacket
Simon asked Edward how often he looked after his sister.
Sarah told us TV violence could only make us aggressive.
Ben said he was going to look for a new job
Nick told his son he had to finish his homework in an hour
Locke said he was studying a very difficult exam for the following day.

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

3ESO final exam revision

Fill in the gaps with present simple or continuous

Gill is an English teacher. She ________________(come) from England but at the moment she _________________(work) in Germany because her husband ________________ (work) for Wolkswagen, the famous car company. Everyday she ______________(get up) at 6.30 and ______________(go) for a quick run in the park. She _____________(run) every morning because she _______________(train) for the Berlin marathon. After breakfast she ____________(take) her children to school. They _______________(not like) living in Germany because they _________________ (not understand) German very well. They __________________(take) special classes to learn the language. English lessons are easy for them though.

Fill in the gaps with the past simple or continuous

1. It _______________(snow) when I _____________(get) up this morning, so I ___________________(go) outside and ___________________(play) with the snow.
2. A few years ago, I ________________(meet) a really nice boy when I ______________(go) to Italy on holiday with my mum and dad. Two months later, I ______________(see) him again when I _______________(travel) to school on the bus. I _______________(be) very surprised and so was he!
3. Yesterday evening, I _______________(want) to go to bed early because I ___________(be) very tired, but my sister and her friends ______________(play) music loudly. I ________________(ask) them to be quiet and _______________(go) to bed. Eventually I ______________(fall) asleep. While I ______________(sleep) they _______________(come) into my room and _________________(jump) on my bed.

Write comparative and superlatives

I think that ________________(good) time to go shopping is on Saturday afternoon.
My coat was _______________(expensive) yours.
My English is ___________________(bad) in class.
Davina always wear ________________(colourful) clothes in her school.
MP3 players are __________________(popular) walkmans these days.
My house is _________________(big) yours.

Fill in the gaps with present perfect or past simple

It’s John’s 86th birthday. He ________________(live) in this village all his life
I ________________(make) a lot of phone calls yesterday.
Eric ________________(leave) about 20 minutes ago.
I ________________(wear) glasses since I was 12.
Gregory ______________(be) a doctor for about 3 years now.
Joan ________________(go) to Madagascar in 2004.
How long ________________(you/know) Patricia.
In the last year, he ________________(be) to Chine three times.

Write these sentences in passive voice

My father bought this house last year.
Sir Giles Gilbert Scott designed the Tate Modern
The storm broke all the windows
A lot of people visit Paris each year
Harry and Andy make cakes every day.
They make these computers in Korea.
Millions of people read this newspaper every day.
People eat snakes in China.

Conditional sentences

__________________(you/go) to Helen’s party if she invites you?
I think I’ll go swimming tomorrow if it _______________(not be) too cold.
If I ________________(be) you, I ‘d tell your mum.
If she _________________(eat) that cake, she won’t feel well
If I __________________(win) 1 million I’d buy a big house.
I don’t know what I ______________(say) if I met the king

Answers present simple or continuous

is working
gets up
is training
don’t like
don’t understand
are taking

Answers past simple or continuous

1. Was snowing, got , went, played
2. met, was going, saw, was travelling, was.
3. wanted, was, were playing, asked, went, fell, was sleeping, came, jumped.

Answers comparative and superlative

the best
more expensive than
the worst
the most colourful
more popular than
bigger than

Answers past simple or present perfect

has lived
have worn
has been
have you known
has been.

Answers to passive

This house was bought last year by my father
The Tate Modern was designed by Sir GGS
All the windows were broken by the storm
Paris is visited each year by millions of people
Cakes are made every day by Harry and Andy
These computers are made in Korea
This newspaper is read everyday by millions of people
Snakes are eaten in China

Answers conditionals

will you go
would say

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008

3ESO revision unit 8

First conditional

If he ___________(touch) the dog, it _____________(attack) him
She ___________(find) the diamonds if she ______________(explore) the castle
If she __________(be) noisy, she ___________(be) safe
They _____________(make) a fire if they ___________(find) more wood.
If she ____________(play) the computer game for too long, she ______________ (not have) time to do the homework.
She _______________(not pass) the exam if she _______________(not understand) the lessons.

Present perfect or past simple

I _____________(just see) a really scary vampire film.
I ______________(be) in this room for twenty minutes.
My aunt ___________(give) us two tickets for the concert yesterday
When ________________(you/travel) to Canada?
How long________________(you/know) your husband?
Saramago ______________(be) well-known since he won the Nobel Prize
We ________________(move) house about six months ago

Present simple or continuous

Hi It’s 7.30 on Friday evening and I ___________(sit) at my computer. I usually ___________(go out) with my friends on Fridays. We normally _____________ (meet) at the café and then we ______________(go) to the cinema or to the sports centre and we always ______________(have) a lot of fun. But I _______________(not have) much fun today because I _______________(look) after my brother. My parents ___________(be) at a restaurant. They ___________(have) dinner with some friends.

Will or be going to

I________________(have) a game of basketball this afternoon
Scientists think temperatures ___________(raise) in the future
When I finish my classes today, I _______________(rest) for a while
In the future, there ______________(not be) traffic jams.
Many people think that soon we _____________(take) holidays in space
We _____________(travel) by train because my father hates planes

Past simple or past continuous

We ______________(swim) in a lake when someone _______________(take) our clothes.
My dad _______________(ride) a horse while we ____________(play) on the beach.
We _______________(have) a picnic when a cow _______________(eat) our food.
My sister and I ______________(play) tennis when the ball _____________(hit) me on the nose.
Yesterday at 3, I _______________(shop) with my sister.

Write must, mustn’t, don’t have to, should, shouldn’t

We _______________ eat in class
We ______________arrive on time
We _______________stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom
If you have a toothache, you ________________ eat that sweet
We _____________ bring mp3 to class
we _______________ be quiet in class
We _____________ to clean the class at the end of the day
You _____________study more to pass your exams

Second conditional

If I ______________(be) you, I ______________(apologise) at once
_______________(you/buy) a big house if you ___________(win) the lottery?
If you ____________(do) that, you _____________(regret) it
We _______________(go) to Dublin if we ____________(have) longer holidays.
My mum _____________(punish) me if I ___________-(not tidy) my room

Answers first conditional

touches, will attack
will find, explores
isn’t , will be
will make, find
plays, won’t have
won’t pass , doesn’t understand

Answers present perfect or past simple

have just seen
have been
did you travel
have you known
has been

Answers present simple or continuous

am sitting
go out
am not having
am looking
are having


am going to have
will raise
am going to rest
won’t be
will take
are going to travel

Answers past simple or continuous

were swimming, took
was riding, were playing
were having, ate
were playing, hit
was shopping

Answers must…

don’t have to
must or have to
don’t have to

Answers second conditional

were, would apologise
would you buy, won
did, would regret
would go, had
would punish, didn’t tidy

martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

4ESO revision exam unit 8

Fill in the gap with present perfect or past simple

1. Sam is from Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he _______________(see, never) the ocean. He should come with us to Miami.

2. In the last hundred years, travelling _____________(become) much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it ______________(take) two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip _____________(be) very rough and often dangerous. Things _______________(change) a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.

3. Johnny, I can't believe how much you_____________ (change) since the last time I ____________ (see) you.

4. Several mountaineers _________________(try) to reach the top of this mountain but nobody ________________(succeed, ever) . The climb is extremely difficult and many people _______________(die) trying to reach the summit.

5. I _____________(visit, never) Africa, but I ____________(travel) to South America several times. The last time I ______________(go) to South America, I _____________(visit) Brazil and Peru.

Passive voice

Nobody didn’t understand the question
My father prepares our breakfast every morning
The postman will bring the parcel tomorrow
Verdi wrote the opera La Traviata
An earthquake affected Mexico City last week
A flood destroyed her town two years ago
They teach English all over the world nowadays
They translate Shakespeare’s books into a lot of languages
People will speak English as a second language in this country
They sell sandwiches in the office every day

Past perfect or past simple

After Fred _____________( spend) his holiday in Italy he _____________( want) to learn Italian.
When she_____________ ( arrive) the match ______________( already /start).
She_______________ ( watch) a video after the children______________( go) to bed
After Eric ________________( make) breakfast he ________________( phone) his friend
I _________________( be) very tired because I ____________( study) too much.
They _________________( ride) their bikes before they___________ ( meet) their friends.

First or second conditional?

I ……………………………(not watch) TV if there isn’t something interesting.
If I ……………………………(be) alone, I would be sad.
We won’t buy any fish today if it ………………………….(not be) cheaper than yesterday.
If you …………………………..(give up) smoking, you would feel better.
I will help her if she …………………………..(talk) to me
I …………………………………(eat) something if I were hungry
If they fail their exams, they …………………………………… (not go) to Canada.
If he …………………………………… (have) time, he would study Medicine.
If Danny …………………………………… (not clean) the car, his parents will give him zero euros.
When the match ………………………………… (finish), we’ll leave immediately.
If I ………………………………(be) president, I wouldn’t drive.
What …………………………………… (you / do) if you found 500 euros?
…………………………………… (you / go) to Hawai if you win the lottery?

Fill in the blanks. Conditional type 3

If we ………………………………………(catch) the 10 o'clock train we …………………………… (get)there in time.
If he ……………………………(give) me his number, I …………………………………. (telephone) him.
The photographers ………………………………………(not come) out very well if the sun ………………………………….(not be) in the right direction.
If the government ……………………………………….(not raise) taxes, they ……………………………………. (not become) so unpopular.
The goods …………………………………… (be) damaged if the shop ………………………………………. (not pack) them properly.
He ………………………………………..(pass) the exam if he ……………………………………. (answer) all the questions.

Future tenses

Don’t be late, the meeting ____________(start) at 11
Next summer, we________________(visit) our uncle in Canada
A- I’m really thirsty B- I ___________(bring) you a drink
What time_______________(our flight/leave)?
My older brother _______________(study) Maths at university
I think next year I _____________(pass) all my subjects

Gerund or infinitive

I love ___________(go) to the cinema at weekends
Would you like _____________(visit) The North Pole?
Before ___________(watch) TV, you must tidy your room
____________ (recycle) is very important nowadays
We decided ___________(change) the decoration of the room
He did a lot of exercises ___________(get) fit
Please, avoid______________ (do) that noise

Answers present perfect or past simple

1 has never seen
2. has become, took, was, have changed
3. have changed, saw
4. have tried, has ever succeeded, have died
5. have never visited, have travelled, went, visited

Answers passive voice

the question wasn’t understood by nobody
our breakfast is prepared every morning by my father
The parcel will be brought tomorrow by the postman
The opera La Traviata was written by Verdi
Mexico City was affected last week by an earthquake
Her town was destroyed two years ago by a flood
English is taught all over the world nowadays
Shakespeare’s books are translated into a lot of languages
English will be spoken as a second language in this country
Sandwiches are sold in the office every day

Answers past perfect or past simple

had spent, wanted
arrived, had already started
watched, had gone
had made, phoned
was, had studied
had ridden, met

Answers first or second conditional

won’t watch
gave up
would eat
won’t go
doesn’t clean
would you do
will you go

Answers type 3

had caught, would have got
had given, would have telephoned
wouldn’t have come, had been
hadn’t raised, wouldn’t have become
would have been, hadn’t packed
would have passed, had answered

Answers future tenses

are visiting
will bring
does our flight leave
is going to study
will pass

Answers gerunds or infinitives

to visit
to change
to get

sábado, 19 de abril de 2008

4ESO revision unit 7

Passive voice

They speak Portuguese in Brazil.
The police closed the bridge for over two hours.
We do not make good wine in Britain
They will make a decision tomorrow.
That dog bites my cat every day.
Manchester United won the FA cup in 2004.

Past simple or present perfect

How long _________________(you/have) this car?
He _______________(come) back from holidays two days ago.
I _______________( not play) football for a long time.
My sister _______________(know) her husband since 1999.
Last week, Jane ______________(leave) to England with a grant.
I ______________(not eat) anything since yesterday.
My parents _____________(enjoy) dancing when they were young.
He ______________(just/give) up smoking.
_________________(you/go) to the party last night?
In the last 10 years, technology ______________(improve) a lot.

Present simple and continuous
Complete the postcard with the correct form of the verb.

Dear Rebecca
I'm on holiday, but I_____________(have) a terrible time! I ____________ (stay) in a very expensive hotel but the staff ______________ (be) rude and the food's horrible! The weather's lovely, but the air conditioning _____________ (not work) and they _____________ (still build) the swimming pool! In the mornings, I usually ____________ (travel) to other places on the island, but today the buses ____________ (not run). It's not all bad though. At the moment I ____________ (be) on the beach, and I ______________ (listen) to the sound of the waves on the sand. Fantastic!

See you soon!

First conditional

1) If I ______________(study), I _____________(pass) the exams.
2) We _______________(walk) to the town, if the sun ___________ (shine).
3) If he _____________(have) a temperature, he ______________(see) the doctor.
4) If my friends ___________ (come), I __________________-(be) very happy.
5) She______________(fly) to New York, if she ____________ (earn) a lot of money,
6) We _____________(visit) the museums, if we ___________( travel) to London.
7) If you _________( wear) sandals in the mountains, you ________( slip) on the rocks.
8) If Rita _____________ (forget) her homework, the teacher____________ ( give) her a low mark.
9) If they ______________( go) to the disco, they ____________ ( listen) to loud music.
10) I __________( ask) my parents, if you _____________( wait) a minute.

Second conditional

1) If I ___________( come) home earlier, I ______________- (prepare) dinner.
2) Francesco ____________ (visit) us, if we______________ ( live) in Rome.
3) If Tim and Tom __________(be) older, they ___________ (play) in our hockey team.
4) If he ____________(be) my friend, I ____________(invite) him to my birthday party.
5) She ____________( be) better at school, if She ___________ (study) harder.
6) They ____________(buy) a new car , if they __________(have) enough money.
7) If Michael _____________ (get) more pocket money, he _________(ask) Doris out for dinner.
8) We __________ (catch) the bus, if we ____________ (hurry).
9) If it______________ (rain), Nina _____________(take) an umbrella with her.
10) If I ________________(be) him, I ____________(buy) the house now.

Fill in the gaps with a future tense (present simple, present continuous, will or going to)

The match _____________(start) at seven in channel 4.
We ______________(meet) James outside the cinema at 8.
A- I have a headache B- sit down, I_____________(bring) you a aspirin.
What time _______________(the train/arrive) to Edinburgh?
In 2030, cars _____________(be) electric.
Mum, what time ____________(we/visit) grandma?

Modal verbs

That job is only open to university graduates. You __________ have a degree to apply.
I can stay in bed tomorrow because I _____ work.
He doesn't sing very well now, but he sing beautifully when he was a child.
It rain, but I doubt it.
Why are you in a hurry? We ___________ leave until ten o'clock and it's only 9:30.
John is crying! Something bad _________have happened to him.
People ___________talk loud in hospitals

Answers passive voice

Portuguese is spoken in Brazil
The bridge was close for over two hours by the police
Good wine is not made in Britain
A decision will be made tomorrow
My cat is bitten everyday by that dog
The FA cup was won in 2004 by Manchester United

Answers- past simple or present perfect

have you had
haven’t played
has known
haven’t eaten
has just given
did you go
has improved

Answers- present simple or continuous

am having
am staying
isn’t working
are still building
aren’t running
am listening

Answers- first conditional

study, will pass
will walk, shines
has, will see
come, will be
will fly, earns
will visit, travel
wear, will slip
forgets, will give
go, will listen
will ask, wait

Answers second conditional

came, would prepare
would visit, lived
were, would play
were, would invite
would be, studied
would buy, had
got, would
would catch, hurried
rained, would take
were, would buy

Answers to future tenses

are meeting/are going to meet
will bring
does the train arrive
will be
are we visiting/are we going to visit

Answers to modal verbs

don’t have to
don’t have to
must (deduction)

3ESO Revision Unit 7

Present simple and continuous
Complete the postcard with the correct form of the verb.

Dear Rebecca
I'm on holiday, but I_____________(have) a terrible time! I ____________ (stay) in a very expensive hotel but the staff ______________ (be) rude and the food's horrible! The weather's lovely, but the air conditioning _____________ (not work) and they _____________ (still build) the swimming pool! In the mornings, I usually ____________ (travel) to other places on the island, but today the buses ____________ (not run). It's not all bad though. At the moment I ____________ (be) on the beach, and I ______________ (listen) to the sound of the waves on the sand. Fantastic!

See you soon!

Past simple or present perfect

How long _________________(you/have) this car?
He _______________(come) back from holidays two days ago.
I _______________( not play) football for a long time.
My sister _______________(know) her husband since 1999.
Last week, Jane ______________(leave) to England with a grant.
I ______________(not eat) anything since yesterday.
My parents _____________(enjoy) dancing when they were young.
He ______________(just/give) up smoking.
_________________(you/go) to the party last night?
In the last 10 years, technology ______________(improve) a lot.

First conditional

1) If I ______________(study), I _____________(pass) the exams.
2) We _______________(walk) to the town, if the sun ___________ (shine).
3) If he _____________(have) a temperature, he ______________(see) the doctor.
4) If my friends ___________ (come), I __________________-(be) very happy.
5) She______________(fly) to New York, if she ____________ (earn) a lot of money,
6) We _____________(visit) the museums, if we ___________( travel) to London.
7) If you _________( wear) sandals in the mountains, you ________( slip) on the rocks.
8) If Rita _____________ (forget) her homework, the teacher____________ ( give) her a low mark.
9) If they ______________( go) to the disco, they ____________ ( listen) to loud music.
10) I __________( ask) my parents, if you _____________( wait) a minute.

will or be going to

I've already decided. I _________________(buy) a new car
Cars _________________(be) electric in the future
Next summer, we _______________(visit) our cousins in Edinburgh.
________________(you/help) me with the homework if I have difficulties?
When I finish my homework, I ________________(go) jogging for a while.
In 2030, everybody____________(recycle) everything.
My sister ____________(take) a final exam at the end of the semester.

Answers present simple and continuous

am having
am staying
isn’t working
are still building
aren’t running
am listening

Answers past simple or present perfect

have you had
haven’t played
has known
haven’t eaten
has just given
did you go
has improved

Answers first conditional

study, will pass
will walk, shines
has, will see
come, will be
will fly, earns
will visit, travel
wear, will slip
forgets, will give
go, will listen
will ask, wait

Answers will or going to

am going to buy
will be
are going to visit
will you help
am going to go
will recycle
is going to take

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008

4ESO present simple or present continuous?-repàs segona avaluació

Simple present or present continuous?

1 We can't go to the beach because it________________(rain)
2 Every weekday I _______________(get up) at seven-thirty.
3 My father _______________(go/usually) to work by bus.
4 I can't help you with your English homework just now because I ______________ (watch) the football on TV.
5 Every Tuesday and Thursday I ____________ (study)English at Madrelingua School of English.
6 ______________________(your teacher/give) you homework twice a week?
7 This term we _________________(study) present tenses.
8 James ______________(go) to work by car but this week he ______________(go) on foot because his car is broken.
9 I ______________(read) the new Harry Potter book. It's very exciting!
10 Normally though, I ________________(prefer) non-fiction.
11 I'm sorry, she can't come to the telephone just now. She ______________(have) a bath.
12 He's a doctor in a big hospital in the city but now he _____________(study) English in the United Kingdom.
13 Next Friday, we _________________(visit) our uncle in Australia.


is raining
get up
usually goes
am watching
does your teacher give
are studying
goes- is going
am reading
is having
is studying
are visiting

4ESO past simple or present perfect?- repàs segona avaluació

1. What_____________________ [you do] last weekend? ________________[you have] a good time?
2. Can I stay with you tonight? I ________________[lose] the keys to my flat!
3. What ___________________[you study] at school today, son?
4. Why _____________________[you not finish] that report yet? I ______________ [need] it yesterday!
5. We __________________[have] a terrible weekend. It _______________[rain] all day Saturday and Sunday!
6. I'm sorry, Daniel's not here. He ________________[just go] to work.
7. _______________________[you ever visit] China? It's a fascinating country. I ________________[(go] there last year.
8. My grandmother ________________[never go] abroad in her life, and she's nearly eighty!
9. Napoleon _____________[invade] and _______________[conquer] may European countries but ________________[be] finally_______________ [defeat] by Wellington's army at Waterloo.


1. did you do/ did you have
2. have lost
3. have you studied
4. haven’t you finished/ needed
5. had/ rained
6. has just gone
7. Have you ever visited/ went
8. has never been
9. invaded/conquered/ was/ defeated

4ESO past simple or past continuous- repàs segona avaluació

Fill in the gaps with the past simple or the past continuous

1. The car _________________(break) down and we ______________(have) to walk home.
2. When Mike and Jane __________________(paint) the walls, their dog _____________ (knock) over the paint pot.
3. The boys___________________(swim) while the girls ________________(sunbathe)
4. We _________________(wait) for Jane, when suddenly Louis ______________(come) around the corner.
5. He _____________(pass) her a message when the teacher ______________(look / not)
6. Two days ago, a murder ____________(happen) in Market Street at about seven pm.
Yesterday, Sherlock Holmes ____________(arrive) at the crime scene to investigate.
He______________ (ask) on of the tenants in the house.
»What ___________________(do / you) yesterday at seven?«
»I _____________________(watch) a football match on TV.«
» _________________(be/you) alone?«
»Yes, I____________ (be) .«
» _________________(hear / you) anything suspicious?«
»Yes, about seven o'clock, two people ______________(argue) in the hallway. But the football match ______________(be) so interesting. So I just __________(turn) up the telly(TV) and then ________________(hear / not) anything anymore.

1. broke, had
2. were painting, knocked
3. were swimming, were sunbathing
4. were waiting, came
5. passed, wasn’t looking
6. happened, arrived, asked, were you doing, was watching, were you, was, were arguing, was, turned, didn’t hear.

4ESO passive voice- repàs segona avaluació

Write the following sentences in passive voice

1. Someone burgled my house while I was away.
2. The secretary always prints the documents
3. Millions of people will visit the museum.
4. Our team didn’t win the prize in the competition
5. They sent my son home from school for bad behaviour.
6. They will not show the new film till November
7. They sell more ice-creams in summer than in winter
8. My brother didn’t make the bed this morning
9. The company will buy a new computer next month
10. James always cycles 5 kilometres every day
11. The plumber will repair the shower tomorrow


1. My house was burgled while I was away
2. The documents are always printed by the secretary
3. The museum will be visited by millions of people
4. The prize in the competition wasn’t won by our team
5. My son was sent home from school for bad behaviour
6. The new film will not be shown till November
7. More ice-creams are sold in summer than in winter
8. The bed wasn’t done this morning by my brother
9. A new computer will be bought next month by the company.
10. 5 kilometres are always cycled everyday by James
11. The shower will be repaired tomorrow by the plumber

4ESO Modal verbs-repàs segona avaluació

Fill in the gaps with the correct modal verb
1. You …………………………..go to school till you are 16.
2. The baby is crying, he __________ be hungry
3. You ______________ wake me up, I have an alarm clock
4. I ………………………….go to the cinema tonight, I’m not feeling well.
5. You ………………………………smoke in hospitals.
6. Look at those clouds, it …………………………rain later.
7. You _______________call a baby sitter, I will take car of the baby
8. She has a lot of books at home, she ____________ be a good reader
9. You ______________ use mobile phones on a plane
10. What are you giving Oliver for his birthday? I don’t know, I ___________ buy him a sweater.
11. Her lights are on, she _____________ be at home


1. must
2. may, might or could
3. don’t have to
4. can’t
5. mustn’t
6. may, might or could
7. don’t have to
8. must(deduction)
9. mustn’t
10. may
11. must (deduction)

4ESO gerund or infinitive- repàs segona avaluació

Fill in the gaps with a gerund or an infinitive form

1. Yuri was in his first year at university, studying History. He was a lazy student, and he tended to avoid _______________ (work) whenever he could.
2. _______________(go)up the stairs is very good exercise.
3. _______________(pass) the test will be hard.
4. It was exciting ______________(climb) the Eiffel Tower.
5. ___________________(have) a laptop computer is essential for a business person.
6. Yoko wants_______________(go) abroad.
7. I'm interested in _____________ (improve)my oral fluency in English.
8. Jane has decided _______________(visit) Australia.
9. She likes ______________( live)in big cities.
10. She apologised for ______________(be) late.
11. _______________(read) Japanese is very difficult.
12. It is depressing ________________ (be) poor.


1. working
2. going
3. passing
4. to climb
5. having
6. to go
7. improving
8. to visit
9. living
10. being
11. reading
12. to be

4ESO future tenses- repàs segona avaluació

Fill in the gaps with the present simple, present continuous, will or going to

1. You're very fit. You______________(live) to be 100, I'm sure!
2. The train for Bologna ________________(leave) at 20:05.
3. Mehmet and Giovanni _______________(meet) Daniel tomorrow to study future tenses.
4. When I finish school I _________________(study) engineering
5. Do you think it______________ (be) hot tomorrow?
6. This summer my father _______________(rent)an apartment on the coast.
7. We________________(go) skiing at the weekend.
8. My teacher says I_______________(pass) the exam with no problem.
9. Your exam ___________(start) at 9 O'clock, so don't be late!
10. Giulia and Maria _________________(go) to the cinema tonight.
11. The economy _______________ (grow)by over 2% this year, according to economists.
12. I______________(do) all the exercises on this website.


1. will live
2. leaves
3. are meeting
4. am going to study
5. will be
6. is renting
7. are going
8. will pass
9. starts
10. are going
11. will grow
12. am going to do

martes, 19 de febrero de 2008

4ESO questions in pasive voice

when /the thief / catch? Yesterday
theses cars/ make/ in Korea?
who/ the fox/ kill?
what/ cause/ the accident? By the fog
when /the King/ inaugurate/ the new bridge? next week
the bull / kill/ the matador?


When was the thief caught?
Are these cars made in Korea?
Who was the fox killed by?
What was the accident caused by?
When will the bridge be inaugurated by the King?
Was the matador killed by the bull?

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

4ESO Passive voice + answers

Write the following sentences into passive voice

1. They built these houses in 1902.

2. My mum bakes a cake every Sunday.

3. Jack broke the vase yesterday.

4. The Town Hall will build a new hospital near the highway.

5. I clean the shoes every Friday.

6. We wrote this exercise an hour ago.

7. A lot of people will use this new road very often.
8. Thieves stole his car last Monday.

9. They cancelled all the flights because of the fog.
10. Brian told the truth.

11. My sister always loads the dishwasher.

12. Paul sometimes does the shopping.

13. The ambulance took Peter to hospital.

14. She bought four apples to do an apple pie.

15. We won the match in the last minute.

16. The man stole the blue car.

17. The police arrested the thieves.

18. Jack swam the 200 metres.

19. The dog bit the old lady.

20. Tom and Max ate five hamburgers for dinner.

21. Oliver will teach the children how to light a fire.

22. Victoria rode the brown horse yesterday.

23. Grandmother always told good stories.

24. She does the housework at the weekends.

25. Mother will water the flowers next Saturday.

26. Her condition worried the vet.

27. The police captured the burglar.


1. These houses were built in 1902
2. A cake is baked every Sunday by mum
3. The vase was broken yesterday by Jack
4. A new hospital will be built near the highway by the Town Hall
5. The shoes are cleaned every Friday.
6. This exercise was written an hour ago.
7. This new road will be used very often by a lot of people.
8. His car was stolen last Monday (by thieves)
9. All the flights were cancelled because of the fog.
10. The truth was told by Brian
11. The dishwasher is always loaded by my sister
12. The shopping is sometimes done by Paul
13. Peter was taken to hospital by the ambulance
14. Four apples were bought to do the apple pie.
15. The match was won in the last minute
16. The blue car was stolen by the man
17. The thieves were arrested by the police
18. The 200 metres were swum by Jack
19. The old lady was bitten by the dog
20. Five hamburgers were eaten for dinner by Tom and Max
21. The children will be taught how to light a fire by Oliver
22. The brown horse was ridden yesterday by Victoria
23. Good stories were always told by grandmother
24. The housework is always done at the weekends
25. The flowers will be watered next Saturday by mother
26. The vet was worried by her condition
27. The burglar was captured by the police