domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008

4ESO past simple or present perfect?- repàs segona avaluació

1. What_____________________ [you do] last weekend? ________________[you have] a good time?
2. Can I stay with you tonight? I ________________[lose] the keys to my flat!
3. What ___________________[you study] at school today, son?
4. Why _____________________[you not finish] that report yet? I ______________ [need] it yesterday!
5. We __________________[have] a terrible weekend. It _______________[rain] all day Saturday and Sunday!
6. I'm sorry, Daniel's not here. He ________________[just go] to work.
7. _______________________[you ever visit] China? It's a fascinating country. I ________________[(go] there last year.
8. My grandmother ________________[never go] abroad in her life, and she's nearly eighty!
9. Napoleon _____________[invade] and _______________[conquer] may European countries but ________________[be] finally_______________ [defeat] by Wellington's army at Waterloo.


1. did you do/ did you have
2. have lost
3. have you studied
4. haven’t you finished/ needed
5. had/ rained
6. has just gone
7. Have you ever visited/ went
8. has never been
9. invaded/conquered/ was/ defeated

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