jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

Answers rephrase exercise in class

She doesn't need/ doesn't have to phone me back
All my wedding photographs will be taken by a professional photographer
I have had my tv repaired
John asked me if I was going to Mark's wedding the following month
They have been living in Canada for 18 years
Mary has already seen that film
I was given a present for my birthday by Jane
He is having the windows mended
I told my nephew not to talk while eating
Jimmy has not seen his uncle since 2002

1st batx (modal verbs, passive voice, verbal tenses and rewrite)

Exercise 1
Passive voice
1.       They'll serve you lunch on the plane.
2.       They will tell you your results next week.
3.       The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder.
4.       The teacher is not going to open the window.
5.       You must give the teacher your personal details after the class.
6.       We export this computer to seventy different countries.
7.       My father watered the plants in my absence.
8.       They're building a new ring-road round the city.

Exercise 2
Modal verbs
1.       …………………………………you swim when you were 10?
2.       He …………………………………cook tonight because he's going to a restaurant.
3.      They have a test tomorrow. They  ……………………… go to the cinema . They ……………………… stay at home and study!
4.       I ………………………………… join a drama club but I’m not sure.
5.       You………………………………………..tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret.
6.       The museum is free. You ………………………………………….pay to get in.
7.       I don't know yet, but I ………………………………………… come with you after all !
8.       Keiko always does really well on exams. She ………………………… study a lot.
9.       You ………………………………………..smoke inside the school.
10.   You …………………………………tidy up now. I'll do it later.

Exercise 3
Verbal tenses
1. When I………………………………….. (enter) the hall yesterday , the meeting ……………………………………(already, start).
2. Since 2011 they ………………………………………….. (visit) their son every year.
3. Look at the clouds – it ………………………………… (rain) in a few minutes.
4.While the doctor…………………………..(examine) Mr Jones, his son……………………………….outside this morning. (wait).
5. Wait a minute, I ……………………………………. (carry)this box for you.
6.  …………………………………………………(ever - you - fly) to America?
7. During my last summer holidays, my parents………………………………… (send) me on a language course to London.
8. What kind of music ……………………………………(she, like)? Rock music.
9. This time next week I ………………………………………….. (ski) in Switzerland!
10. After Larry …………………………………..the film on TV, he decided to buy the book. (see)
11.I…………………………………………… (not speak) to the Headmaster yet.
12.We ………………………………….. (have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.
13.While I ……………………………..(do) the language course, I ………………………………..(meet) lots of young people from all over the world.
14.Julie …………………………………………. (just lose ) her keys on the pavement
15.The train ……………………………….. ( arrive) at 12:30.
16.When you get off the train, I …………………………………. (wait) for you by the ticket machine.
17. I……………………………………………….. (start) studying Chinese three years ago.

Exercise 4
Passive voice
1.       They have modernised the theatre.
2.       Sanders and Company are building that house.
3.       You must obey these orders.
4.       We keep the documents in this drawer.
5.       The director signed the letters yesterday.
6.       The doctor has ordered me a new diet.
7.       We must sell everything before the end of the month.
8.       A man told us to wait outside.
9.       You can see her face in every gossip column in the country.

Exercise 5
Modal verbs
1.       He's amazing, he ……………………….. speak five languages, including Chinese.
2.       She……………………… do this work today, because she can do it tomorrow.
3.     I looked everywhere for my glasses but I……………………………….. find them anywhere.
4.       John's a millionaire. He……………………………. go to work.
5.       I……………………………………. lift this box - it's too heavy! Would you help me?
6.       If it´s rainy you ………………………………… take an umbrella.
7.       We …………………………………..rush. We've got plenty of time.
8.       That woman drives a very expensive car. She ……………………………..have a lot of money.
9.       Children………………………………… tell lies. It's very naughty.
10.   ………………………………. you open the window a bit, please?
11.   Tom  …………………………………..  eat so many lollipops. It´s bad for his teeth.

Exercise 6
1.       Next year, I will pass my driving test. (By the end of this year)

2.       The Natural History Museum in London is full of dinosaur skeletons. It is my favourite museum. (which)

3.       When did you start studying English? (How long)

4.       I bought a house. It was advertised in the local paper. (which)

5.       Sue finished the exam. Then the bell rang. (after)

6.       My grandfather has lived in Oxford all his life. He was born in Italy. (who)



Exercise 1
1.       You will be served lunch on the plane
2.       You will be told your results next week
3.       The DVD recorder has not been repaired by the mechanic.
4.       The window is not going to be opened by the teacher
5.       The teacher must be given your personal details after the class
6.       This computer is exported to seventy different countries.
7.       The plants were watered in my absence by my father.
8.       A new ring road is being built round the city.

Exercise 2
1.       Could
2.       Doesn’t have to- needn’t to
3.       Shouldn’t – should
4.       May-might-could
5.       Mustn’t
6.       Don’t have to
7.       May-might-could
8.       Must
9.       Mustn’t
10.   Don’t have to

Exercise 3
1.       Entered- had already started
2.       Have visited
3.       Is going to rain
4.       Was examining- was waiting
5.       Will carry
6.       Have you ever flown
7.       Sent
8.       Does she like
9.       Will be skiing
10.   Had seen
11.   Haven’t spoken
12.   Are having- are going to have
13.   Was doing-met
14.   Has just lost
15.   Arrives
16.   Will be waiting
17.   started

Exercise 4
1.       The theatre has been modernized
2.       That house is being built by Sanders and Company
3.       These orders must be obeyed
4.       The documents are kept in this drawer
5.       The letters were signed yesterday by the director
6.       I have been ordered a new diet by the doctor
7.       Everything must be sold before the end of the month.
8.       We were told to wait outside
9.       Her face can be seen in every gossip column in the country.

Exercise 5
1.       Can
2.       Doesn’t have to/needn’t to
3.       Couldn’t
4.       Doesn’t have to/ needn’t
5.       Can’t
6.       Should
7.       Don’t have to
8.       Must
9.       Mustn’t
10.   Can/ could/ would
11.   Shouldn’t

Exercise 6
1.       By the end of next year I will have passed my driving test.
2.       The Natural history Museum in London, which is my favourite museum,  is full of dinosaur skeletons
3.       How long have you studied/ have you been studying English?
4.       I bought a house which was advertised in the local paper.
5.       After Sue had finished the exam, the bell rang.
6.       My grandfather, who was born in Italy, has lived in Oxford al his life.

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

4th ESO AB WB answers

Page 50

Exercise 1

Exercise 2
professional, amateur and newcomer

Exercise 3
1 venue
2 stage
3 act
4 microphone
5 spotlights
6 professional

Page 52

Exercise 1
shoot, blockbuster, zoom out, set and filmbuff

Exercise 2
1 in
2 on
3 on
4 in
5 on
6 in
7 on
8 in

Exercise 3
1 shoot
2 film buff
3 scene
4 blockbuster
5 zoom out
6 set
7 screen
8 background

Page 121

Exercise 1
1 denied
2 recommended
3 suggested
4 asked
5 complained

Exercise 2
1 newcomer
2 professional
3 scriptwriter
4 act
5 sketch

Exercise 3
1 film buff C
2 set E
3 zoom out A
4 shoot D
5 blockbuster B

Exercise 4
1 complain
2 sketches
3 scriptwriters
4 says
5 act
6 recommend
7 agrees
8 spotlight
9 microphone
10 adds

Exercise 5
1 in
2 on
3 in
4 on
5 in

Page 123

Exercise 3


miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018

4th ESO AB verbal tenses revision

Verbal tenses revision

Exercise 1

Exercise 2 (don't do sentences 11 and 17)

4th ESO Reported speech revision

Reported speech revision

Reported questions (don't do n. 5 and 11)
Reported commands

Reported Statements

I visited New York last summer.
John told me....................................................................................
I haven't phoned my mum.
Sarah told Sally..................................................................................
I like these flowers.
Mark said.........................................................................................
Jane cooked an excellent dinner yesterday.
Tom said............................................................................................
They celebrate the party in the park every year. 
Peter said..........................................................................................
My brother can run 40 kilometres.
Mary told me.....................................................................................
I haven't seen my mum for four months.
John told Mary..................................................................................
I met my friend Sarah in town yesterday.
Pamela said......................................................................................


John told me (that) he had visited NY the summer before.
Sarah told Sally(that) she hadn't phoned her mum.
Mark said(that) he liked those flowers.
Tom said(that) Jane had cooked an excelent dinner the day before.
Peter said(that) they celebrated the party in the park every year.
Mary told me(that) her brother could tun 40 kilometres.
John told Mary(that) he hadn't seen his mum for four months.
Pamela said(that) she had met her friend Sarah in town the day before.