martes, 3 de junio de 2008

4ESO revision final exam

Fill in the gaps with present simple or continuous

Gill is an English teacher. She ________________(come) from England but at the moment she _________________(work) in Germany because her husband ________________ (work) for Wolkswagen, the famous car company. Everyday she ______________(get up) at 6.30 and ______________(go) for a quick run in the park. She _____________(run) every morning because she _______________(train) for the Berlin marathon. After breakfast she ____________(take) her children to school. They _______________(not like) living in Germany because they _________________ (not understand) German very well. They __________________(take) special classes to learn the language. English lessons are easy for them though.

Fill in the gaps with the past simple or continuous

1. It _______________(snow) when I _____________(get) up this morning, so I ___________________(go) outside and ___________________(play) with the snow.
2. A few years ago, I ________________(meet) a really nice boy when I ______________(go) to Italy on holiday with my mum and dad. Two months later, I ______________(see) him again when I _______________(travel) to school on the bus. I _______________(be) very surprised and so was he!
3. Yesterday evening, I _______________(want) to go to bed early because I ___________(be) very tired, but my sister and her friends ______________(play) music loudly. I ________________(ask) them to be quiet and _______________(go) to bed. Eventually I ______________(fall) asleep. While I ______________(sleep) they _______________(come) into my room and _________________(jump) on my bed.

Write comparative and superlatives

I think that ________________(good) time to go shopping is on Saturday afternoon.
My coat was _______________(expensive) yours.
My English is ___________________(bad) in class.
Davina always wear ________________(colourful) clothes in her school.
MP3 players are __________________(popular) walkmans these days.
My house is _________________(big) yours.

Fill in the gaps with present perfect or past simple

It’s John’s 86th birthday. He ________________(live) in this village all his life
I ________________(make) a lot of phone calls yesterday.
Eric ________________(leave) about 20 minutes ago.
I ________________(wear) glasses since I was 12.
Gregory ______________(be) a doctor for about 3 years now.
Joan ________________(go) to Madagascar in 2004.
How long ________________(you/know) Patricia.
In the last year, he ________________(be) to China three times.

Write these sentences in passive voice

My father bought this house last year.
Sir Giles Gilbert Scott designed the Tate Modern
The storm broke all the windows
A lot of people will visit Paris this year
Harry and Andy make cakes every day.
They make these computers in Korea.
Millions of people will read this book in the world.
People eat snakes in China.

Conditional sentences

__________________(you/go) to Helen’s party if she invites you?
I think I’ll go swimming tomorrow if it _______________(not be) too cold.
They _________________(visit) us if you had invited them.
If I ________________(be) you, I ‘d tell your mum.
If she _________________(eat) that cake, she won’t feel well
We would have been in trouble if your parents______________(discover) the truth.
If I __________________(win) 1 million I’d buy a big house.
I don’t know what I ______________(say) if I met the king
If you had arrived on time, you ___________________(meet) my brother.

Complete with gerunds or infinitives

______________(smoke) is a bad habit.
We would like _______________(find) a bigger house.
They go jogging _______________(get) fit.
I really hate _______________(eat) aubergines.
My uncle taught me _______________(fish) when I was a child.
Andrew didn’t help me _________________(repair) my car
Before ___________(use) your contact lens you must wash your hands.

Past simple or past perfect

I ______________(not can) buy a ticket, because I _____________(forget) my money.
After Paul____________(lent) me some money, I ____________(catch) the next bus.
Jane _______________(go)to the police station because someone ______________ (steal) her bike.
Ben _______________(feel) ill after he ________________(eat) four packet of crisps.
Jenny ______________( not eat) anything, so she _____________(be) very hungry.

Modal verbs

• My school marks are very bad. B- You ____________ work harder
• You ______________ cheat or copy in an exam.
• Some people don’t like flying, they think the plane ___________crash.
• When you go on a trip, you _____________ forget your passport.
• You ______________ arrive in class on time.
• There is enough food at home, you ________________bring anything.
• What are you going to do tonight? I don’t know, we ____________ go to the new Indian restaurant.

Reported speech

Do you buy canned drinks? (Paul-Carl)
Did your father drive you to school? Jenny-me
How long have you had this new jacket? Lisa- Pam
How often do you look after your sister? Simon- Edward
TV violence can only make you aggressive. Sarah-us
I’m going to look for a new job. Ben
You must finish your homework in an hour. Nick- his son
I’m studying a very difficult exam for tomorrow. Locke

Answers present simple or continuous

is working
gets up
is training
don’t like
don’t understand
are taking

Answers past simple or continuous

1. Was snowing, got , went, played
2. met, was going, saw, was travelling, was.
3. wanted, was, were playing, asked, went, fell, was sleeping, came, jumped.

Answers comparative and superlative

the best
more expensive than
the worst
the most colourful
more popular than
bigger than

Answers past simple or present perfect

has lived
have worn
has been
have you known
has been.

Answers to passive

This house was bought last year by my father
The Tate Modern was designed by Sir GGS
All the windows were broken by the storm
Paris will be visited this year by millions of people
Cakes are made every day by Harry and Andy
These computers are made in Korea
This book will be read in the world by millions of people
Snakes are eaten in China

Answers conditionals

will you go
would have visited
had discovered
would say
would have met

Answers to gerund and infinitives

to find
to get
to fish
to repair

Answers to past perfect or simple

couldn’t buy, had forgotten
had lent, caught.
went, had stolen
felt, had eaten
hadn’t eaten, was

Answers modal verb

don’t have to

Answers reported speech

Paul asked Carl if he bought canned drinks
Jenny asked me if my father had driven me to school
Lisa asked Pam how long she had had that new jacket
Simon asked Edward how often he looked after his sister.
Sarah told us TV violence could only make us aggressive.
Ben said he was going to look for a new job
Nick told his son he had to finish his homework in an hour
Locke said he was studying a very difficult exam for the following day.